Paralegal Seminar Registration is Open, Lunch & Learns, and more... 

VADA Defense Line 


The VADA kicked off the month of June with the Capitol Region Networking Reception at the beautiful home of Past President Kathleen McCauley. Thank you to Kate for your hospitality, to Taylor Brewer, our Capitol Regional Director, for planning the event, and to Planet Depos and InQuis, our generous sponsors!

On June 7, Immediate Past President Jason Moyers presented a Lunch & Learn on “Making Social Media Work for You.” Attendance was strong for this timely topic, and we thank Jason not only for sharing his insights at this program, but also for managing the VADA’s social media accounts. If you haven’t already, follow the VADA on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter for news updates, shoutouts, significant case summaries, and more.

On June 16, the Board of Directors gathered in Virginia Beach for our third meeting of the year. We enjoyed fun and fellowship the evening before the meeting at our annual Summer Party at the Princess Anne Country Club. It was wonderful to be together and celebrate the VADA, and I thank all who attended!

VADA programming will continue strong through the rest of the summer and into fall. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for the following upcoming events:

·        August 23, 10:30 – 3:00 – Our annual Paralegal Seminar will be held via Zoom. This must-attend event includes substantive presentations from attorneys and senior paralegals and is suitable for paralegals of all experience levels working in civil defense firms. Register here.

·        September 14 at noon – VADA Women’s Section presents a Lunch & Learn for “Lawyer Moms,” a panel discussion of the joys and challenges of work-life balance for VADA mothers past, present and future. Register here.

·        September 14 at 5:00 – Tidewater Region Networking Reception at Grain Rooftop Beer Garden, sponsored by Planet Depos and InQuis. Register here.

·        October 25-27 – VADA Annual Meeting at the Marriott Virginia Beach Oceanfront. Registration will open soon for our most-anticipated event of the year!

·        November 8 at noon – Lunch & Learn sponsored by InQuis Global on “Pediatric Life Care Planning and Earning Capacity Analysis: Foundational Similarities for an Evidence-Based Approach.” Register here.

·        December 1 – Young Lawyers Boot Camp at Drive Shack in Short Pump. This is a must-attend event for attorneys new to the civil defense practice, with sessions taught by experienced members of the civil defense bar and the judiciary. Register here.

Please visit our website,, for additional details on these and other upcoming events.

I look forward to seeing you at a VADA function soon!

Julie Palmer
VADA President, 2022-23

August 23
Via Zoom

A must-attend event for paralegals of all levels working in civil defense firms. This one-day webinar is designed to hone your skills as a valuable member of your legal team. Instructors include attorneys and senior paralegals from several Virginia defense firms. 

Join us for networking and fun with fellow VADA members.  Drinks, snacks, and exciting raffle prizes provided by our sponsors, Planet Depos and InQuis.  For an extra raffle ticket, bring a colleague who is not yet a VADA member.  Registration is free, but RSVPs are requested on the event page.

Tidewater Region
September 14
Grain at The Main in Norfolk

Watch your email for date and location for the Blue Ridge Region.

Lawyer Moms
September 14

Julie Palmer
Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman
VADA President 

Darlene P. Bradberry
Newport News City Attorney’s Office
Tidewater Regional Director

Phylicia A. Preston
Byrne Canaan Law

Noelle Quam

Rachel Horvath
Piedmont Liability Trust
Women's Section Chair

Taylor Brewer
Moran Reeves Conn
Women's Section Vice-Chair

“Lawyer Moms” is a panel discussion by and for VADA mothers past, present, and future.  This Lunch & Learn will explore the joys and challenges faced by attorney moms in civil litigation.  Speakers will share tips and tricks on how they juggle jobs and families and generally “do it all.” 

Registration will open in July,
so watch your email!

Sponsored by InQuis Global

Betsy Keesler, BSN, RN, CLCP
InQuis Global

Michael Fryar, M.S., CRC, RN, CCM, QRP, CLCP
InQuis Global

November 8

This presentation will examine the core foundations for building both an evidence-based pediatric life care plan and an earning capacity analysis. 

 A review of the necessary standards, guidelines, and/or consensus statements for these evaluations will be outlined.

The event is fully virtual, via Zoom, and free to current and potential VADA members.

Please save the date for a Lunch & Learn, “Lawyer Moms,” on September 14, 2023.  “Lawyer Moms” is a panel discussion by and for VADA mothers past, present, and future.  This Lunch & Learn will explore the joys and challenges faced by attorney moms in civil litigation.  Speakers will share tips and tricks on how they juggle jobs and families and generally “do it all.”  The panelists are VADA President Julie Palmer of Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman, Darlene P. Bradberry of the Newport News City Attorney’s Office, Phylicia A. Preston of Byrne Canaan Law, and Noelle Quam of TimberlakeSmith.  Moderators are Women’s Section leaders Rachel Horvath of Piedmont Liability Trust and Taylor Brewer of Moran Reeves Conn. 

As always, if you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Rachel Horvath at or Taylor Brewer at

Be sure to bookmark VADA Upcoming Events so you don't miss out.


August 23
Paralegal Seminar

September 14
Lawyer Moms Lunch & Learn

September 14
Tidewater Region Networking Event

October 25-27
Annual Meeting
Marriott Resort Virginia Beach Oceanfront

November 8
Pediatric Life Care Planning and Earning Capacity Analysis Lunch & Learn

December 1
Young Lawyers Boot Camp
Drive Shack Richmond

This Richmond native and mother of two loves being in court and spending time with her family.  Part of her definition of success?  Completing her time sheet each evening before she leaves the office.  For this and much more on this month's VADA Spotlighted member, click here.

Save the date!

September 20, 2023 will be the Frank N. Cowan VADA-VTLA Annual Golf Tournament at Independence Golf Course. Our thanks to the McCammon Group for their continued support of this event!

For information on playing, please contact VADA Past President John Owen at or Sherma Mather at

Look forward to seeing you there!

Frank N. Cowan VADA-VTLA Annual Golf Tournament

September 20, 2023

Missed A Webinar
or Meeting?

Did you know that many VADA Lunch & Learn webinars and online programs are available to watch on-demand? Click here to see the library of available content, which can be found in the members-only area of our website.

Journal of Civil Litigation
Spring 2023 Edition

Have you read the Spring 2023 edition of The Journal of Civil Litigation?  It includes 13 judicial opinions and three feature articles:

  1. Patrick Kelly explores Virginia’s Dead Man’s Statute, and how to effectively apply its nuances.
  2. Ashley G. Moss discusses representation of licensed professionals in parallel but different civil, criminal, and regulatory contexts.
  3. Joseph Rainsbury writes a comprehensive review of former Chief Justice Donald Lemons’s tenure on the Supreme Court of Virginia.  This article is part one of two and explores voting trends for civil cases in the Lemons Court, high-profile cases, and published decisions on civil procedure.

Many thanks to Managing Editor, Molly Terry; Editor-in-Chief, Kent Sinclair; the Board of Editors; and Chair of the Board of Editors, John D. Eure for consistently producing such a quality journal. 

VADA members receive the Journal as a benefit of membership and can search current and past journals, including by keyword, on our website. 

Meeting Materials

Did you know that the agendas and written materials for past VADA meetings are accessible to VADA members?  You can login in any time to the meeting materials section of the VADA website and find them in the online library.

You will also find here the written materials for upcoming meetings well before you receive the "Final Information" email the week of the meeting.

Your personal VADA login is required to access this information.

It’s not too late to renew your membership! If you have questions about your membership status, please reach out to Executive Director Sherma Mather at for more information. All non-renewed members will automatically lapse on June 30, so don’t delay!

Brandon Boxler
Klein Thomas Lee & Fresard

Connor Currie
Johnson, Ayers & Matthews

Kambria Lannetti
Hancock Daniel & Johnson

Tiffany Ngo
U of R Law School

Positive Self-Talk Worked for Me.
It Could for You Too.
Nathan Schnetzler
Frith Anderson + Peake

I listened to a podcast recently about positive self-talk and its implications for athletic performance. Although familiar with the concept of positive self-talk, it has never been something I have intentionally practiced in athletics, work, or life for that matter. My tendency has always been the opposite of positive self-talk, until recently that is. I was intrigued after listening to the episode and its discussion of research regarding the correlation between increased athletic performance and positive self-talk. Facing down a new challenge, I relied on positive self-talk at various points from beginning to end and not only successfully completed that challenge but overcame several roadblocks and made a point to appreciate my successes along the way. Have I become an optimist overnight? No. But whatever resistance I had to utilizing this skill has been greatly diminished if not extinguished.

As the Mayo Clinic notes, positive thinking is not about ignoring unpleasant situations. Rather, it focuses on approaching that unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. As litigators, we are faced with no shortage of unpleasant and stressful situations: deadlines, heavy workloads, the inherent risks of litigation, and the occasional obstreperous opposing counsel to boot. With practice, positive thinking and positive self-talk can help you navigate these challenges and reduce stress in the process.  So, if you find yourself in a negative self-talk trap the next time you face a difficult legal issue, hearing, negotiation, or other proceeding, take a moment to stop and encourage yourself by practicing positive self-talk. I hope you find it as helpful as I have.

Join our social media sites where we post current court updates, relevant legal developments, and much, much more!  

    VADA’S Mission

    The mission of the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys is to develop and support Virginia attorneys engaged in a civil defense practice in the professional and ethical representation of their clients through education, communication and fellowship.

    Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys
    11533 Busy Street, #327
    N. Chesterfield, VA  23236
    804-649-1002 |

    Executive Director: Sherma Mather
    Director of Meetings: Amy Gilbody
    Journal of Civil Litigation Managing EditorMolly Terry

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