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VADA Member Spotlight

Andrew Gerrish
Frith Anderson + Peake

This month’s spotlighted VADA member is Andrew Gerrish of Frith Anderson + Peake PC in Roanoke.  Andy is a graduate of Washington and Lee University and the Washington and Lee University School of Law.  He currently serves as Vice-Chair of VADA’s Professional Liability Section.



1.         Where were you born?

Newark, Delaware.

2.         Tell us a little about yourself.  Spouse? Children? Pets?

I came to Virginia for college, and I met my wife Ashley there. We came to Roanoke so she could attend the new medical school here. We fell in love with Roanoke, and we have been happy to stay. Ashley is a general surgeon at Carilion. We have two beautiful girls—Charlotte (4) and Caroline (2). We also have an aging cat, Furricane, who we adopted from the Rockbridge County SPCA when Ashley was in medical school.

3.         What type of law do you practice?

When I first started, I had a broad general-liability practice. I still do some of that work. But more recently, I have spent most of my time representing attorneys. I defend attorneys facing VSB complaints and malpractice suits. And I also advise attorneys on everyday practice-management and ethical issues, including assisting attorneys with opening, closing, or transitioning their practice.

4.         How long have you been a member of VADA?

If I remember correctly, Walt Peake insisted I join as soon as I joined the firm in 2014.

5.         What have you enjoyed most about your time in VADA?

Meeting people and learning what they do and how they do it.

6.         What do you like most about practicing law?

I like the puzzle of it all. I also like getting out and about and meeting people and building relationships with clients and other attorneys. We live in a beautiful state, and it can be nice to go to court and depositions in different corners of the state. I feel like we have lost some of that since the pandemic. The increased use of Zoom does not provide as many opportunities to travel or interact with counsel informally before or after hearings, depositions, and mediations.

7.         What book is currently on your bedside table?

I’m currently working my way through The Wager by David Grann and the Commissario Brunetti series by Donna Leon.

8.         What is your favorite food and drink?

Steamed blue crabs and a cold beer. Since moving south, I’ve also had the opportunity to fall in love with boiled crawfish.

9.         What is your favorite movie or television quote?

“I drink from the keg of glory, Donna.  Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land.”  Josh, Lyman, The West Wing.

10.       What is the last movie you saw in a theatre?

It has been a while since I’ve been to a theatre. I believe the last time I went, I saw Darkest Hour.

11.       What is at the top of your bucket list?

I love golf. I would love to do a golf trip through Ireland and Scotland.

12.       What is your favorite travel spot?

My family has been going to Hilton Head Island for years. We just got back from a week down there. We’ve already booked our trip for next year.

13.       What was your undergraduate major?


14.       What was the make and model of your first car?

A red Mercedes 190D.

15.       If you were to visit my office, one of the first things you would notice would be … 

In addition, to my family pictures, you would probably notice my framed boxing glove and a wooden model grader. The boxing glove is a trophy from a golf tournament. My grandfather made the grader. It’s hard to appreciate without a picture, but it fully articulates and is incredibly detailed.

16.       When I am not in the office, I like to …

Spend time with my family and play golf.

17.       If I wasn’t practicing law, I would be …

When I was in college, I always talked about being a restaurateur. That itch is still there; perhaps one day.

18.       What is your idea of the perfect weekend?

My wife and I work long hours during the week, so we like to take it easy. A Saturday at the pool or on the golf course followed by a Sunday at church and boiling shrimp or smoking a brisket sounds perfect to me.

19.       Who is the most famous or interesting person you have ever met?

I took Chief Justice Lemon’s appellate advocacy class at W&L during my 3L year. He took our class to the Supreme Court of the United States to watch an oral argument and meet Justice Kennedy. That was a pretty neat experience for an aspiring attorney.

20.       What advice would you give to someone who just passed the bar?

During the summer after my 1L year, I interned for the Hon. Fred S. Silverman on the Delaware Superior Court. I’m forever grateful for that experience because Judge Silverman spent a lot of time with me discussing the practice of law and critiquing my writing. His most memorable pearl of wisdom was, “one fart, and you’ll always be known as stinky.” All attorneys must zealously protect their professional reputations.

Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys

11533 Busy Street, #327

N. Chesterfield, VA 23236


Executive Director: Sherma Mather

Director of Meetings: Amy Gilbody

Journal of Civil Litigation Managing Editor: Molly Terry

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